Saturday, January 11, 2020

A Study on the Need of Women Education for Socio-Economic Development of Rural Assam

ABSTRACT TITLE: A Study on the Need of Women Education for Socio-Economic Development of Rural Assam Birinchi Choudhury** Without the development the rural areas of Assam, we can never materialize our goal for being developed state by 2010 as declared by the present state govt. For the development of the rural Assam, including male, women education is a must. But women are neglected year after year. The attitude towards women hasnt changed yet. The literary rate shows this fact. According to the census, 2001, the literary rate in Assam is 64. 28 percent where 71. 93 percent for males and 56. 03 percent for female. In 2000, the infant mortality rate is 66 per thousand for males and 83 per thousand for females. What does it mean? Presently, nearly 2. 13 lakhs children of age group 6-14 years have not seen the varanda of primary school. In 2003, 2. 39 lakhs of children have left the primary schools without completing the course. Of course it reduced to 44,222 in 2005(September). It is seen that all the children are living below the poverty line and their parents are illiterate. Therefore, including male, women should be educated for complete eradication of illiteracy and for being developed socially, economically, culturally and politically. Lecturers of B. B. K. College, Nagaon, Barpeta 1 Title:- A Study On The Need Of Women Education For Socio-Economic Development Of Rural Assam Birinchi Choudhury** Executive summary Objective of the study: The objectives of the study are 1. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and socio- economic development of rural Assam 2. To inve stigate whether any relation between the women education and influence of her in her family. 3. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and standard of living of the family. Research methodology: Sampling method: Random sampling method. The population: Element: Wives and husbands Unit: Village Time: December. 2005 and January 2006. Sample size: 100 numbers of wives and 100 numbers of Husbands Limitation of the study: As the number of the sample is very small, therefore the findings may or may not be representation of the actual social position. Major findings: The findings of the study are 1. the socio economic development of the rural Assam mostly dependent on women education. 2. The educated women also try to motivate their children, irrespective of girls and boys, family members, society to be educated, self sufficient and conscious. 3. The education of the children, the standard of living of the family is mostly dependent on whether the woman of the family is educated or not. 4. Besides, her involvement in the society, e. g. socially, culturally, economically is also dependent on her education. Our study also shows that the family in which the woman is uneducated has higher number of children and her familys standard of living is also low. Even an uneducated wife doesnt know whether there is any need of education for her girls child. Therefore, mass women education is a must. Introduction: 2 Without the development the rural areas of Assam, we can never aterialize our goal for being developed state by 2010 as declared by the present state govt. For the development of the rural Assam, including male, women education is a must. But women are neglected year after year. The attitude towards women hasnt changed yet. The literary rate shows this fact. According to the census, 2001, the literary rate in Assam is 64. 28 pe rcent where 71. 93 percent for males and 56. 03 percent for female. In 2000, the infant mortality rate is 66 per thousand for males and 83 per thousand for females. What does it mean? Presently, nearly 2. 13 lakhs children of age group 6-14 years have not seen the aranda of primary school. In 2003, 2. 39 lakhs of children have left the primary schools without completing the course. Of course it reduced to 44,222 in 2005(September). It is seen that all the children are living below the poverty line and their parents are illiterate. Therefore, including male, women should be educated for complete eradication of illiteracy and for being developed socially, economically, culturally and politically. A few tables are given below which show the comparative statement between male and female. Table 1: Students not gone to school Year Number of children who have not seen Primary Schools 003 13. 40 lakhs 2004 1. 6 lakhs 2005(Sept. ) 2. 13 lakhs *Source: The Amar Asom, 29th Nov. , 2005. Table 2 : Comparative literary rate in Assam (percent) Year Over all Male Female 1961 32. 58 44. 28 18. 61 1971 33. 32 42. 96 22. 31 1991 53. 42 62. 38 43. 70 2001 68. 28 71. 93 56. 03 Table 3: Sex Ratio In Assam Year Sex Ratio 1901 919 1911 915 1921 896 1931 874 1941 875 1951 868 1961 869 1971 896 1991 925 2001 932 3 Objectives of the paper: The objectives of the study are. 1. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and socio- economic development of rural Assam 2. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and influence of her in her family. 3. To investigate whether any relation between the women education and standard of living of the family. Limitations of the study: – The study has the following limitations- (i) The study is conducted on samples taken from a few villages that cannot be judged as perfect representation of entire population spread all over the state. (ii) Primary data collected through questionnaire has its own limitations as it lacks proper o-operation and support from the viewers. (iii) Response error cannot be over ruled. (iv) Time factor is also another limitation. Methodology:- We have employed a random sampling method for the selection of the sample where a sample of 100 wives and 100 husbands of a few villages have been interviewed separately through two different questionnaires . Besides discussion and interactions with different people of our locality help us a lot in preparing this paper. Their views and ideas have been clearly reflected in our findings and suggestions. Analysis and findings: – (A). Analysis of the wives view point 1. Only 15%of the population are educated and 85%are uneducated. Uneducated ( 85%) educated( 15%) educated uneduccated 4 Out of the total educated wives 90% are under matriculate, 08% are matriculate, 02% are H. S. passed Matriculate (8%) H. S. (2%) under matriculate(90%) below matriculate matriculate H. S. 2. Out of the total population 95% are housewives and only 05% are employed. Employed (5%) house wives (95%) house wife employed Out of the total employed population, 20% are in govt job, only 40% are in private job nd 40% are self-employed. Self employed (40%) private job(40%) govt. job(20%) govt. privvate job self employed 5 3. Our survey shows that in case of 97% families, husbands income is the only source of income for the family; in 01% families, wifes income is the only source of income for the family and in 02% families, and both husband and wives earn income. Only wifes income (1%) Only husbands income (97%) both husband and wifes income(2%) only husbands income only wives income both husbands and wives . The study shows that 10% couple have 0-2 number children and 95% have 3 and above number of children. 0-2 child (10%) 3&above child(90%) 0-2no of child 3and above no child Out of the total child 60% are boys and 40% are girls Girls (40%) Boys(60%) boys girls 6 4. The study depicts that 95% wives never participated in the decision making process in their family. Wifes participation (5%) Non-participant (95%) participant non participant Those who have never participated in the decision making process, out of them 80% think hat it is their duty to obey the decision taken by their husbands. Wife has on right to go against husband (7%) Husband never do mistake (10%) Husband dislikes wifes participation (3% A B C D Wifes duty to obey the husband (80%) Those who have participated in the decision making process, out of them 60% think that they have better efficiency to run the family. Wives have the right to participate (40%) Wives have better efficiency (60 %) A B. 7 5. Our survey shows that 80% population prefer education for both boys and girls but emphasis more on boys. Education for both boys & girls (15%) Only for boys(5%) both boys & girls only for boys both boys & girls but more on boys Education for both boys & girls but emphasis on boys(80%) 7. 60% population prefer girls education because they think that education helps the girls for being self-sufficient. For overcoming exploitation (30%) For getting higher social status (7%) for being self sufficient for overcoming explitation for getting higher social status for motivating women to be educated For motivating females to be educated (3%) For being self-sufficient(60) Those who do not want girls education, out of them 60% population think that girls should not be educated since girls cannot look after them after their marriage. Difficult to find a suitable groom for educated girl(30%) only because she is a girl(10%) only because she is a girl she wont looks after after her marriage difficult to find a suitable groom for educateds girl She wont looks after after her marriage(60%) 8 6. 90% population do not involve in the society. Wives who donot involve in the society(90%) wives who involve(10%) invlve in the society donot involve in the society Those who want to involve in the society, out of them, 60% do so for organizing rural women to take part in the decision-making in various aspects of socio-economic life. getting popularity(10%) organizing rural women(60%) focusing herself &getting leadership(30%) 7. 60% population think that women education help in socio-economic development of the society. 20% do not think so and 20% have not given any comment. Women education helps in socio-economic development Cannot say(20%) yes(60%) yes no cannot say no(20%) for organizing rural women focussing herself & getting leadership eing popular Analysis of the husbands viewpoint: 1. The population survey shows that 70%population are educated and 30% are uneducated. Out of the total educated persons, 40% are below matriculated and only 1% is postgraduate. H. S. (20%) graduate(5%) post graduate(1%) others(4%) Matriculate (30%) matriculation(40%) 2. Agriculture is the main income source for 60% population and 5% are engaged in govt. jobs a nd 35% are in business. Business(35%) govt. job(5%) agriculture(60%) govt job agriculture busness 3. 60% husbands have educated wives. Uneducated(20%) educated(80%) educatd neducated below mariculation matriculate H. S. graduate postgraduate others 10 Out of these 80% are below matriculate. Matriculate(10%) H. S. (5%) graduate(2%) others(3%) under matriculate(80%) 4. Only 2% husbands have employed wives. Out of these 50% are in govt. jobs 50% are self-employed. unemployed wives(98%) employed(2%) employed unemployed Out of these 50% are in govt. jobs 50% are self-employed. Self-employed(50%) govt. jobs(50%) under matriculate matriculate H. S. graduate others govt. jos self-employed 11 5. 15% parents have 0-2 number of Childs and remaining 85 % parents have 3 or above Childs. 3 and above(85%) 0 2(15%) 90% populations want that their daughter should be educated. No of husbands want education for their girls(90%) donot want(10%) Out of the total population who want their girls Childs to be educated, 65% think that education help their daughter to be self-sufficient. For getting higher social status(10%) motivating women to be educated(5%) 0-2 3& above yes no for self sufficient for overcoming exploitation getting higher social status motivating women to be educated 12 For overcoming exploitation(20%) for self-sufficient(65%) Those who do not want education for their girls child, out of them 60% think that their daughter will not look after them after her marriage. Difficult to find a suitable groom (35%) wont look after after her marriage(60%) Only because she is a girl (5%) 6. 95% population do not want their wives participation in the decision making process in the family. Donot want wifes participation(95%) want wifes participation(5%) Those who do not want wives participation in the decision-making process, out of them, 80% think that it is the duty for the wives to obey the decision taken by them. She has no income(10%) she hasnot sufficient knowledge(10%) duty to obey the husband(80%) won't looks after after her marriage only because she is a girl difficult to find a suitable groom for educated girls yes no duty to obey the husband she has no income she hasn't sufficient knowledge 13 Those who support their wives participation, out of them 60% think that wives may have efficiency to run the family. She has right(40%) she may has better efficiency(60%) better efficiency she has right 7. 70% population support mass education and only 30% do not want education for women. onot want mass education(30%) want mass education(70%) yes no Conclusion: – After interviewing with the wives and husbands, it is seen observed that the educated respondent feel that women education is a must for socio-economic development of rural Assam. The educated populations have the tendency to provide education for both boys and girls equally. They have less number of child and they, with males, pr efer womens participation in the decision making process in the family as well as in the society. Of course, some uneducated people unable to understand the need of womens education for socio-economic development. Most of the uneducated women do not want to provide education for their girls child. There fore, we should change the mindset of the parents as well as the society. No doubt mass women education will be helpful in this respect. Suggestions: – The following suggestions can be put forwarded as per the primary study. 1. We have to change the mindset of the parents as well the society for reducing gender classification. We should change the mindset of the society so that the society recognizes the complementary role of the women. 2. Provision of quotas in the govt. jobs as well as private job may encourage the parents o provide education for their girls Childs. 3. Female students should be given scholar-ship in the college level. Tuition fees for women should be completely abolished. If it is not possible, it should be at least ? th. 14 4. Reservation in politics may be helpful for women empowerment. Women empowerment encourages women to provide opportunities to do for the welfare of the women. 5. We should create the consciousness of the parents; especially the women, we should create consciousness about the need of women education. For this, social awareness camp regarding women education in the village level should be organized. The govt. should take a mission for women education. For this, some local educated women who have grip in the society should be appointed for this mission. 6. Camp, seminar, road-play, open meeting and discussion, advertisement through different media such as radio, T. V. , cinema for women education may be helpful in this regard. Bibliography:- 1. Datt, Ruddar; Sundadharam,K. P. M. (2004), Indian economy S. Chand, New Delhi. 2. Baruah, D. K. ;Baruah Indira(2005), H. S. Economics 3. The Amar Asom, 29th Nov. , 2005,Guwahati. 4. The Dainik Batori, 14th January 2006,Guwahati. * Lecturers of B. B. K. College, Nagaon, Barpeta

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